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0.280mm CTP aluminum plate

Writer: admin Time:2021-04-30 15:05 Browse:

The characteristics of CTP technology have certain requirements on the quality of CTP boards and aluminum substrate thermal CTP boards used for CTP board production, such as hardness, apparent quality, physical properties and electrolytic properties. The following is a detailed introduction to the aluminum plate base commonly used according to CTP boards.The printing plate materials have very high overall requirements for printing. Especially at present, CTP printing plate materials are mainly used for plate making of high-end color printing plates. In order to ensure the quality of the printing plate, 0.280mm  CTP aluminum plate is a good choice.

Geometrical size requirements of CTP aluminum plate
The current CTP aluminum plate market is mainly divided into two categories: thermal CTP and violet laser CTP. The plate-making mechanism is fast, adopts automatic plate-making, and automatically locates and drills. Therefore, the geometric dimensions of the CTP aluminum plate are very strict. The geometric dimensions of the plate base include the thickness of the plate base, the width of the aluminum coil, and the uniformity of the plate base.
The thickness of the CTP aluminum plate is usually 0.280mm, which is slightly thicker than the PS plate (the thickness of the PS aluminum plate is 0.270mm±0.005mm). Some foreign companies use aluminum substrate thermal CTP boards with a thickness of 0.275mm, with a thickness tolerance of ±0.005mm. The heat-sensitive CTP plate of the aluminum base plate is thicker, and the rigidity of the plate is better, and it is not easy to bend.
Chalco specializes in the production of high-quality aluminum alloy plates, high-precision aluminum plates, special aluminum alloy molds, special aluminum materials for automobile manufacturing, anodized aluminum alloy plates, anti-rust aluminum alloy plates, high-strength super-hard aviation aluminum materials, high-precision pure aluminum plates, and resistant Corrosion and rust-proof aluminum alloy, super hard aviation aluminum alloy, etc.