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Aluminium Offset Plate CTP Thermal Plate Printing Plate

Writer: admin Time:2021-03-23 17:31 Browse:

The advent of laser phototypesetting technology has gradually popularized offset printing technology, which has obviously become an important tool for image printing and text printing, and Aluminium Offset Plate CTP Thermal Plate Printing Plate has also become the main method of current printing. And aluminum plate bases rely on their own light texture and shrinkage. The basic characteristics of small size and dimensional stability, the water retention of the layout is good, and it is a very widely used material. This research is mainly based on the manufacturing of thermal CTP plates, and the selection of aluminum plate bases suitable for manufacturing.

Hot plate: (conventional offset printing plate)
1) High-sensitivity materials reduce exposure time by 1/3
2) The color changes after exposure for easy inspection of the image
3) The surface of the mat helps to maintain the contact between the film and the sheet
4) Weak alkaline coating protects the environment
5) Width: 120-1450mm
6) Length: 210-1700mm
7) Thickness: 0.14-0.3mm
Chalco is a large-scale aluminum sheet, strip and foil company that produces PS plate base/CTP plate base and has a high market share. Chalco has imported equipment and produces 1050A aluminum plates, 1060 aluminum coils, 1050 aluminum coils and other aluminum plates for printing PS/CTP boards with flat surfaces and high cleanliness