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Aluminum Positive PS Plates

Writer: admin Time:2020-12-18 17:28 Browse:

Aluminum Positive PS Plates was developed by Chalco Aluminum in order to adapt to the development of lithography. It has high resolution, full dot reproduction, rich levels, and ink balance easy to master, stable performance, fast sensitivity, large development latitude, high printing resistance etc characteristics. Since its listing, it has been favored by domestic and foreign customers. widly used in prining market like newspaper, commercial print, etc.
Technical details for Aluminum Positive PS Plates

Plate Type Aluminum Positive PS Plates
 Application Advanced Sophisticated Colour Printing
Substrate Electro-chemically grained & anodized lithographic aluminium
Gauge 0.15-0.3mm
Size Maximum width 1500mm
Alloy Temper 1050 1060 H18
Spectral Sensitivity 360-450nm UV light &  400-410nm UV laser
Exposure 30 seconds, approx. 20 pulses (3kw Lodine-Gallium lamp, from 1m, UGRA PCW82 control strip, the third section un-inking) Duration varies with its printing conditions and materials.
Resolution 1-98% @ 200 lpi
Image Color green
Accredited Platesetters    320-450nm 
Accredited Developers     Positive PS Plates developer
Processing  Developer temperature:  23±2°c
  Developing time:20-35 Seconds
Run length  50 000-100 000 (Actual run length may vary according to press, ink and paper  conditions)
Shelf Life 18 months
Storage It's recommended that plates should be stored under 25±5ºC,with humidity less than 40%