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Aluminum plate UV-CTP (CTCP)

Writer: admin Time:2021-04-07 17:50 Browse:

UV-CTP, also known as CTCP, refers to the use of UV light source in the traditional PS plate on the computer direct plate making equipment. UV-CTP can use the advantage of ordinary PS plate to enter the printing industry.

1. PS plate manufacturer with complete specifications and strong production capacity
Thickness: 0.15mm, 0.20mm, 0.23mm, 0.25mm, 0.27mm, 0.30mm, etc;
Specification: eight open, six open, rotating, opposite open, full open, super full open can guarantee the supply.
2. The same price and high quality.
It is suitable for fine color printing with good dot reduction and high resolution.
Suitable for color printing, newspaper and book printing. It has the characteristics of high resolution and high printability.
CTP Version (thermal, photosensitive): suitable for high precision color printing.
4. The same quality and preferential price.


board Development time Developer temperature brand
Aluminum plate 20±5s 23±2℃ Chalco
Plate applicable characteristics: high sensitivity, good market compatibility, unique hydrophilic treatment
Can be customized according to user needs

Chalco has the advantages of producing aluminum plate base, sensitive material and packaging material. Low cost, reasonable price in the same kind of products.