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Aluminium ctp printing sheet size

Writer: admin Time:2021-01-11 17:33 Browse:

Aluminium ctp printing sheet size are used in offset printing of books, newspapers, fliers and other print media. These thin metal plates are etched with the image or text to be printed, inked and used to indirectly transfer that ink to the paper. These Aluminum printing plates sheet cannot be re-etched. Aluminum printing plates sheet must be melted down to make new plates or used for other purposes after printing has been completed. Some applications, such as newspaper printing, produce huge numbers of waste plates.

Chalco features of Aluminium ctp printing sheet size:
1) High quality aluminum substrate
2) Multiple layer grain structure and condensed oxidized layer   
3) Special post treatment, to give excellent water holding ability
4) Excellent dot reproduction
5) Wide latitude of exposure and development
6) Special coating to give excellent imaging quality