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Thermal CTP plates china manufacturer

Writer: admin Time:2021-01-15 16:13 Browse:

Thermal CTP plates china is a new kind of plate, which is not only suitable for UV-Ink, but also suitable for conventional ink printing. The plate adopts the high quality alumium and double coating formulation.It is also compatible with an ordinary ink.It is use for high grade commercial and news paper printing.

Thermal CTP plates china manufacturer features :
(1) The thermal CTP plates has a low sensitivity to natural light and is exposed by infrared laser, so it can be operated under bright room conditions.
(2) The thermal CTP plates must generate the image and must reach the initial thermal threshold. The thermal energy above the initial threshold does not change the shape of the dot. It is the only technology that can control the predicted results. The quality is easy to control, the publishing quality is stable, and after exposure. The plate can be extended to 6 months before development, and there is no slight impact on the quality of the plate.
(3) The thermal CTP plates has good dot reproducibility, high resolution and sharp edge of the dot, easy to achieve ink balance during printing, good printability, and the printing durability of the plate after baking is high.