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ctp plate aluminums

Writer: admin Time:2021-03-10 17:59 Browse:

With the increasingly mature and rapid development of CTP technology, as well as the continuous decline of CTP plate price, CTP technology has been more and more loved by the majority of printing practitioners, and the usage of CTP plate has the trend of catching up with and surpassing the traditional PS plate. The overall requirements of printing plate material are very high, especially CTP plate is used for high-end color printing plate making. To ensure the quality of printing plate, the apparent quality of plate base is the premise. CTP technology is characterized by CTP plate substrate quality, such as apparent quality, physical properties and electrolytic performance

The difference between CTP plate and aluminum plate
1) Thickness difference of aluminum plate base
The thickness of aluminum plate base for CTP plate is generally 0.280mm, which is slightly thicker than that of PS plate (the thickness of PS plate base is 0.270mm ± 0.005mm). Some foreign companies use 0.275mm thick aluminum plate base, the thickness tolerance is ± 0.005mm. Aluminum plate base thickness, plate stiffness will be better, not easy to bend.
2) Difference of aluminum coil width
CTP plate production in China generally does not install on-line trimming device, so the width tolerance of aluminum coil is required to be less than ± 0.5mm, preferably without tolerance. There are also clear requirements for the cutting quality of aluminum coil, that is, there should be no burr, lotus leaf and other phenomena on both sides of aluminum coil after longitudinal cutting. Of course, both sides should be cut before coating.
3) Vertical and horizontal uniformity of plate base
The longitudinal and transverse thickness tolerance of aluminum plate base shall be no more than ± 0.005 mm. At present, the plate thickness of various types of plate making machine is mostly set as 0.280mm or 0.275mm; the thickness deviation will affect the plate making, and the parameters set by CTP plate making machine are generally not allowed to be adjusted casually.

name material state Specifications/mm standard
thickness width
CTP belt 1050、1052、1060、1070 H18、H16 0.13—0.50 500—2000 Q/SWA J6008—2008

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